I'm back - sorta!
After leading in Croatia for June, and then Glacier (Montana) for July and August, I'm back in Tuscany for the fall. I just led an eight day trip in Tuscany, then got my first real vacation - two weeks.
aaaaaaaah yes.
So I'm down in Puglia (heel of the boot) hanging out at our leader house here to unwind a little, go to the beach during the day, and get some writing done.
So earlier this summer I was talking to a guest about the amazing thing that is Google:
"Oh yeah, you can find anything on google! After a trip, I like to google people from the trip, even the leaders, and see what sorts of things they're involved in - very cool!"
This was a little alarming, so I took my blog down for the summer. It hadn't occurred to me that people other than like ten of my friends would ever be reading this blog.
It's back up now, with a pen name. My name on this blog is now Robin, and I'm in the process of changing a lot of the other names on here. I'd just rather do that than have to think about what stories I should or shouldn't put up here.
Also, I like to swear. A lot.
The company I work for is now 'called' haha "Thrilling Adventures."
Everything else is true, except of course the poetry and occasional work of fiction (these are obvious).
I sat down today and took a shot at finishing the "Hungary, Slovakia and Poland" story from the trip I led there in August 2007 - and didn't make it. Too many stories to tell. I got about halfway through (it's looking to be really, really long)(not the first time I've had to say that - haw!) and posted what I have so far.
All of the blogs on this page are in order from Newest to Oldest, so the ones I most recently finish are closest to the top, with the exception of the Slovakia story, which I structured (gave it false post dates) so it reads from Chapter one to the finish, top to bottom, so it can be read more easily.
For the Slovakia Blog, I wrote the Prologue last summer (2007) right after the trip ended, and Part One in May 2008. Parts Two, Three and Four are all new today (9/13/08). I'm not going to edit at all until the whole thing is done, so sorry if it's sloppy.
I'll try to get the rest of that story done this week, but I know how I am, so we'll see - I'll always put it on the "what are you doing now" part of facebook when I put up a new post.
ah rooh
Hey Dude, Glad to hear all is well. I totally had to change all my stuff after I googled myself as well. No need to have everyone read my bad poetry and whatnot. Anyhow...Craig and I got engaged so looks like a spring wedding. Any chance you will be in the country?
Miss you!
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